Ageism – what the heck is that??  Have you heard of it?  If you are over 55 and have not heard the term, I’m guessing you have experienced it over the last few years!!

Ageism is discrimination or stereotyping a person strictly based on their age, typically used toward seniors vs. young people.  This discrimination can result in mistreatment or marginalization of older people, and according to the World Health Organization it is thought to more pervasive than sexism and racism.  (Here is a link to the article:

Not exactly an “uplifting” topic, right??  😊

I bring this up because as I said earlier, if you are in your mid-50s or older, most likely you have experienced that form of discrimination in one form or another.

I have heard from several peers, and others that I have talked with about this idea,  that they have indeed experienced this feeling.  They report the following experiences:

  • At work, they are not being considered for promotions or “new” opportunities
  • They feel like they are “invisible” and their ideas are no longer considered or valued
  • They hear that people are asking their peers “When is that person going to retire?”
  • Almost all of your coworkers and maybe your boss are in their 20s or 30s?
  • Are the people who are laid off in your company “older” people?
  • Your younger co-workers believe that you know nothing about technology?
  • Are you left out of company activities or meetings?
  • Are you left out of training opportunities, or conferences?
  • Are you passed over for advances or promotions?  Given “lighter” or less high profile job assignments?
  • Comments aimed at you in an attempt to force you to retire

If you go into work everyday and one or more of the items listed above are happening to you or around you, it can become dreadful to go in, and on Sunday afternoon your stomach begins to churn and you feel that “doom” creeping in as you know you have to get up tomorrow morning and face these situations.

If you are in that place, and CANNOT RETIRE due to financial reasons, the pain and dread can intensify until you become emotionally or even physically ill.  These conditions CAN make you ill!!

The stress of wanting to retire and not being able to will make you sick.

I do not want you to get sick or feel the dread of having to go to into a job every day because you have no choice.  YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE, and a group of us believe that you can develop another income stream to allow to leave that bad situation and ENJOY the years ahead.

Be sure to download my free eBook “12 Business Ideas You Can Start in Two Weeks” and see if it can stimulate some ideas for ways that you can develop an income to supplement your retirement savings and GET OUT OF THERE NOW 😊   Also be sure to check back here next week for another article to help you make that break.

Comment below – have you experienced ageism at work?  When shopping? During dining or enjoying an entertainment venue?  How prevalent is it in your life?

Bye for now!

mike granchi
mike granchi

We help people generate additional income by developing a home-based business (or side-hustle) so they can retire earlier or fund something over-and-above their normal paycheck.

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